Resources by Routledge

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Image result for School for the community: a grammar school reorganizes

This is a first hand account of how an old-established County Grammar School was transformed into a completely new Upper School and Community...

Science 3-13 explores some of the historical antecedents of the current position of science in the lives of younger children. It covers the various influences, both from within and outside the teaching profession,...

As one of the core areas of the curriculum, science provides particular challenges, especially to teachers working at the top end of the elementary school range. Science 7-11 invites science teachers working with...

This book is for story-loving primary teachers who want to find a creative way to teach science. Contextualising science in a story that pupils know and love, the book contains a wide range of activities and investigation to help Key Stage 1 pupils engage in science learning, while also extending aspects of the...

This book is for story-loving primary teachers who want to find a creative way to teach science. Contextualising science in a story that pupils know and love, the book contains a wide range of activities and investigation to help Key Stage 2...

The ten modules here cover both areas of particular concern in the teaching of science - organising the classroom for investigations, reviewing science coverage on a whole school basis - and the ways in which issues...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This book provides a comprehensive and critical guide to the new and experienced teachers on the teaching and learning of science. It combines an overview of current research with an account of curriculum changes to...

Now fully updated in its third edition, Science Learning, Science Teaching offers an accessible, practical guide to creative classroom teaching and a comprehensive introduction to contemporary issues in science...

A concise introduction and ready reference refresher to the topics of food science, nutrition and microbiology.


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