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This text book provides a broad-ranging and up-to-date review of thinking and best practice...

Research and writing on secondary education is often a specialised treatment of isolated themes. This reader draws together the most significant work of recent years across a whole range of themes to give students...

This book provides a comprehensive and critical guide to the new and experienced teachers on the teaching and learning of science. It combines an overview of current research with an account of curriculum changes to...

Teaching and Learning: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Culture provides an overview of the key issues and dominant theories of teaching and learning as they impact upon the practice of classroom teachers. Punctuated by...

Teaching is changing. It is no longer simply about passing on knowledge to the next generation. Teachers in the twenty-first century, in all educational sectors, have to cope with an ever-changing cultural and technological environment. Teaching is now a design science. Like other design professionals – architects...

Image result for Teaching biology in schools: global research, issues, and trends



This book provides a step-by-step guide to teaching computing at secondary level. It offers an entire framework for planning and delivering the curriculum and shows you...


Teaching Design and Technology in Secondary Schools begins by providing information on the nature, purpose and development of design and technology in schools. An aptitude for design and technology combines practical...


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