- View more resources from this publisherGeological Society
In this resource pupils will learn about geological time, different geological periods and how old the earth is. They will also learn about dinosaurs, their various characteristics, and how they are both similar to, and different from, reptiles we see today. They will discover there are three main different types of dinosaur – the sauropods, ornithischians and the theropods and that modern birds evolved from a group of theropods that included T-rex and Velociraptor.
Activities include exploring dinosaur footprints then using stride length and leg length to calculate their relative speed, as well as investigating dinosaur food chains.
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Dinosaurs - teacher guidance 43.86 KB
Dinosaurs - presentation 36.66 MB
Dinosaur factsheet 1.06 MB
Dinosaurs footprint activity sheet 504.19 KB
Dinosaur activity sheet 675.54 KB