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Session 3: Introduction to Pseudocode
Session 3 introduces the use of commands to make an algorithm or sequence of instructions to solve a problem. In this case the aim is to move a minion around a grid to collect fruit. The later tasks introduce extra commands for the minion, building on the earlier ones demonstrating an increasing complexity in the algorithm. The session is approximately 45 minutes long and there is an extension task if you finish quicker than this.
By the end of the session you will:
understand how to structure a simple algorithm
understand how to start with a simple algorithm and gradually add complexity
be familiar with adding decisions into an algorithm
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Session 3 Instructions 9.93 KB
Session 2 Slides 2.63 MB
Session 3 Pseudocode Help 130.3 KB
Session 3 Workbook 397.41 KB
Session 3 Extension Task 538.55 KB