- View more resources from this publisherThe Economist Educational Foundation
A positive human future
This resource was designed by The Economist Educational Foundation to support PA’s Raspberry Pi competition 2020. However, it can also be used by schools that are not taking part in the competition as a great subject to stimulate creative thinking and debate about real world issues, from social mobility to healthcare.
Session 1: What makes a city?
- Explore the history of cities and define what a city is in the modern world
Session 2: What challenges do cities face?
- Delve into data to determine the ‘livability’ of major cities
- Assess the challenges faced by those living in and governing cities
- Turn challenges into opportunities for progress
Session 3: How have cities innovated?
- Research and evaluate urban innovations
- Consider the impact of ‘big data’ on the lives of residents
- Suggest creative improvements in light of the findings
Session 4: How would we design the cities of tomorrow?
- Formulate ideas for sustainable cities of tomorrow to spark ideas for the Raspberry Pi competition 2020.
Learn more about how the Foundation works with schools by visiting www.economistfoundation.org
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A positive human future 8.82 MB