Resources by The Economist Educational Foundation

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A positive human future

This resource was designed by The Economist Educational Foundation to support PA’s Raspberry Pi competition 2020. However, it can also be used by schools that are...

Looking to discuss the big, contestable questions in STEM? This collection of resources from The Economist Educational Foundation supports students to understand how the scientific and technological processes of the modern world are intertwined with political decisions and ethical calculations. They help develop...

Climate emergency

This resource from The Economist Educational Foundation engages students with big questions about climate change and human intervention. The sessions explore the viability of our attempts to keep temperatures down and supports students to discuss the obstacles to success and question where...

Is a vegan society a better society?

This resource explores what a vegan diet involves and considers the social and political implications of a vegan society. It is part of the collection of educational resources from The Economist Educational Foundation.

Session 1:

  • Explore different kinds of diets
  • Reflect...

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