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Future of mobility: level 1
This Grand Challenge set of resources focuses on atmospheric pollution and the production of zero emission vehicles. The Level 1 materials are ideal for 11-14 year old students and includes ways to study lichens as a pollution indicator and measure particulate pollution. It then moves on to allow students to present their findings and discuss how zero emission vehicles can help local air pollution, as well as some of the challenges associated with hydrogen powered vehicles, for example.
The challenge offers opportunities for students aged 11 to 14 years to engage with:
- scientific enquiry: through research students gain an insight into how hydrogen fuelled vehicles or cells work and the possibilities of improved air quality and health practical science
- practical science investigations: students design an investigation on how to measure the degree of pollution within an urban area
- persuasion: presenting to an audience: students attempt to convince the ‘local government’ of the need to introduce low or zero emission vehicles, such as hydrogen fuelled cars
- aspirations: realising the many opportunities offered in developing and working with hydrogen fuel technology
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