DNA & Protein Synthesis
This topic underpins the majority of molecular biology and explains how the structure of genetic material such as DNA and RNA can encode the information needed to construct proteins.
There is a substantial amount of detail, processes and terminology that students need to understand in this topic and this can prove quite challenging. Students first need a solid understanding in the structure and role of nucleic acids. They then need to understand the sequence of processes required for DNA replication. Finally, the processes of transcription and translation can be covered with students building their understanding of how sequences of bases in a DNA molecule determine the structure and function of proteins.
Students commonly find some of the terminology difficult to remember in this topic, with precise spellings of words being important (e.g. there is a big difference between Thymine, in a DNA base, and Thiamine the vitamin). Students that are less confident in the initial work on biological molecules may often confuse nucleic acids with proteins. Extended response questions in the assessments may require students to describe a complex process such as replication or transcription/translation and so regular practice with sequencing of the key events is important.
This collection provides a range of activities and resources that cover modelling, videos/animations, practical investigations and some real world contextual problems and data sets for students to analyse.
Whilst this list provides a source of information and ideas for experimental work, it is important to note that recommendations can date very quickly. Do NOT follow suggestions which conflict with current advice from CLEAPSS, SSERC or other recent safety guides. eLibrary users are responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is consistent with current regulations related to Health and Safety and that they carry an appropriate risk assessment. Further information is provided in our Health and Safety guidance.
DNA from the beginning
This is a comprehensive website with detailed animations, images, video interviews, problems, biographies and links. The website adopts a clear and logical way of covering each key concept within molecular genetics and relates these to the key historical developments that advanced our understanding. This is an ideal resource for students to access independently and complete various tutorials although some of the videos and animations could also be used in lessons. The material covered is appropriate to level 3/KS5
DNA *suitable for home teaching*
This is actually three resources in one. It provides some really useful, easy to use material for level 3 biology.
The resource is made up of three separate animations: Zoom in on your genome, DNA sequencing and DNA to protein. Different specifications and schemes of work will determine in which order to use these animations most effectively.
Using Zoom in on your genome first would provide a good level of detail on the arrangement of chromosomes, the nature of the double helix and base-pair structure. Following this with DNA sequencing would allow students to develop an understanding of three different methods of sequencing DNA. The final animation would be DNA to protein which provides detail on the process of transcription.
Each animation works as a stand-alone resource, for whole class delivery of new material or revision material. Students could also work through the animations individually. It is possible to use the animations at a set pace or move through each section separately.
Origami DNA
Modelling activities are a useful activity for many students to fully comprehend the structure or DNA. In this activity students make a model of DNA using a template, the template and instructions are included in this activity.
Once students have made the model, they can be challenged to make a different representation using simple ‘raw materials’ such as thin card, sticky tape and lolly-ice sticks. This will help them to further explore their understanding of the molecule, as they will need to create a representation from scratch.
The activity can be completed by reminding students that Watson and Crick (Nobel prize winners) used models to discover the structure of DNA.
There are also other modelling activities, such as Yummy Gummy, but this maybe at a too low a standard for level 3. Although as an end of lesson activity it still has some worth, if students have not previously completed it at KS4/level 2
Modelling the structure of DNA
A resource from hhmi BioInteractive, this resource provides a paper model of DNA that can be used to explore key structural features of the DNA double helix.
Students use paper nucleotides printed on card stock to build a single-stranded DNA sequence assigned by their teacher. They then use the rules of base complementarity to construct a second strand and generate a three-dimensional double helix. Through building and observing this model, students explore the basic structure of phosphodiester bonds, base pairs, hydrogen bonds and antiparallel strands
This is a good resource to help students consolidate their understanding of DNA structure and is more advanced as a task than the simple origami model that is listed within this collection
DNA, genes and chromosomes
A large collection of resources that relate to the structure and function of DNA. The collection includes videos and animations that explain how DNA is structured and how genetic information is encoded. The resources could be used in lessons to introduce the topic, to clarify particular teaching points or be used independently by students.
This collection is itself part of the wider Post 16 genetics and genomics collection
DNA replication
A collection of resources that focus on the process and principles of DNA replication. The majority of these resources are animations, videos and diagrams which can be used to illustrate the process. The resources could be incorporated into lessons or made available for students to access independently.
This collection is itself part of the wider Post 16 genetics and genomics collection
Transcription, translation and gene expression
A collection of resources that illustrate the process of protein synthesis. The separate processes of transcription, translation and gene expression are covered with several videos and animations provided with varying degrees of detail. Also included is a series of videos that illustrate the processes involved with sequencing of a genome
This collection is itself part of the wider Post 16 genetics and genomics collection
Discovering DNA
This resource provides background information for students about the structure of DNA, DNA replication, genetic engineering, cloning, genetic testing and DNA fingerprinting. The activities for students include a practical activity where students extract their own DNA from cheek epithelial cells or plant cells, a research task about the history of DNA and building a model of DNA.
Protein Synthesis - Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes *suitable for home teaching*
Produced by Nelson Thornes, this is a concise two page comprehension activity with nine questions based on the process of protein synthesis. Teacher notes are provided with answers to the questions. It includes material that can be used to provide stretch and challenge and would be a useful summary exercise to complete after the topic has been taught.
Extracting DNA from living things
From the Royal Society of Biology, this is a practical protocol for the extraction of DNA from living cells. The practical can be done as a demonstration or as small group work. Sources of DNA referenced in this practical procedure include split peas, onions, and fish eggs or fish sperm (milt). There are various additional weblinks at the end of the protocol for further reading
Gene induction: ß-galactosidase in E. coli
From the Royal Society of Biology, a practical protocol that investigates the control of gene expression. The investigation focuses on the enzyme ß-galactosidase which breaks down lactose into galactose and glucose. The gene for the enzyme s normally switched off, except in the presence of lactose – the procedure provided allows students to test the hypothesis that the gene is switched on when lactose is present.
This practical investigation would be a good way to build practical microbiology skills and link ideas across various topics, including molecular genetics, biological molecules and microbiology. It also provides a practical investigation for a topic that otherwise might remain rather theoretical.
KRAS: Cancer Mutation Activity
This is a series of activities developed by the Cancer Genome Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. The activities require students to use real genomic data in order to identify mutations in a gene associated with pancreatic cancer. Teachers’ notes and associated powerpoint presentations are provided which provide a background to the topic of cancer and how genomic research can help us understand the disease. This is a good activity to provide a real world context to theoretical discussions around the topic of mutations, cancer and genomics.
BRAF: from gene to cancer therapy
Developed by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource provides a video introduction to the work of scientists in discovering a mutation in the BRAF gene. Various activities are provided which then allow students to work in the role of researcher, identifying faulty genes and developing targeted drugs. The activities link well to the topics of DNA and protein synthesis and provide an engaging real world context. The activities provide real data sets and would lend themselves to small group work.