Maths career videos
A collection of video clips promoting the study of mathematics and mathematical careers- including numerous career profiles and workplace footage- all designed to be used in the mathematics classroom.
Maths in the Navy
Teachers TV provide this resource which features two teachers from two very different working environments. Understanding algebra can make the difference between life and death in the navy and between pass and failure at GCSE.
Where STEM Can Take You
This video clip takes the form of an animated rap which describes a range of career opportunities open to students with skills in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). It makes a good introduction to a session offering careers advice and guidance by setting the scene about the variety of STEM careers and the demand for people with STEM skills.
iCould careers collection
The iCould careers collection provides invaluable insight into what is possible in work and offers different ways for students to think about careers. The collection hosts short career videos, showcasing real-life storytellers and providing an inside view of their current job and a personal account of how they got there.
Future Morph: career related resources for science and maths
These materials help students understand the relevance of science and mathematics Videos exploring a wide range of career routes, many of which they do not necessarily associate with these subjects. The resources include short video profiles of people who use science and maths in their job. Each video is linked to a practical activity suggested in the Resources Booklet and described in detail in the teachers' notes accompanying every video.
Institute of Physics: Careers Clips
Video clips that follow the work of individual scientists as they show how physics is applied in their work. The video clips illustrate concepts in physics and how they are applied in a range of situations. These include:
- Energy efficiency and architecture
- Forces and motion in computer games
- Solar energy and applied research
- Ultrasound in physiotherapy
Careers in Operational Research (O.R.)
These videos, produced by the O.R Society, aim to explain what Operational Research (O.R.) is through a wide range of case studies and can be used to highlight ‘real-life’ applications of mathematics. The videos can also be used to help make career choices as they demonstrate the variety and type of work that can be undertaken in the profession. The videos complement study in many areas of mathematics, especially decision mathematics.
Teachers TV: Mathematics
In this video maths teacher Daniel Gadd links maths lessons to the use of maths in the world of work, helping students understand how their learning relates to the real world. The class look at network diagrams when laying cables, as well as sports coaching and costume design.