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British Nutrition Foundation - Food a Fact of Life (Secondary)
This collection supports learning about healthy eating, cooking and where food comes from. It links to many aspects of physical development, understanding the world and communicating ideas, whilst also aiding vocabulary development and group work. The British Nutrition Foundation provides information relating to nutrition. It exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle.
The Food a Fact of Life education programme is managed by the British Nutrition Foundation in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
Nutrients and energy
In this lesson, pupils learn how energy is required to fuel many different body processes, growth and activities and that different people need different amounts of energy. They explore macronutrients and micronutrients and how we can measure energy intake using kilojoules or calories as well as learning about...
In this lesson, pupils explore the functional properties of food. They learn about the Maillard reaction, dextrinisation, caramelisation, gelatinisation and other characteristics of carbohydrates as well as the properties of protein and fats and how these contribute to the appearance, taste and texture of food.
Food labels
This lesson explores why we have food labels and which information must appear on food and drink labels by law. Pupils learn about date marks and the difference between 'use by' and 'best before' dates as well as information about how to best store food to ensure it's safe to eat and the importance of declaring if...
Food availability
This lesson looks at the seasonaility of certain foods and the advantages of buying and eating food that is in season. Pupils also explore the role of imported foods and consider the impact of food travelling long distances. They are introduced to the term 'food provenance' and discuss where familiar foods found in...