Royal Academy of Engineering - STEM Resources

A selection of resources covering topics in engineering, science, mathematics and computing.



Showing 19 result(s)

STEM Club Activity: Smart Muscle

This resource looks at whether it is possible to mimic human movement by using prosthetic technology to make a ‘muscle’ for a new generation of robots, so they can lift their arms and grab objects.

Sustainable futures: innovation challenge 2023

Become an engineer and share your idea for innovations that work towards a sustainable future for our planet and our goal of reaching net zero as a country.
All teams who enter will have a chance to:

  • Share their innovation with real engineers,
  • Win individual and team prizes, ...

Aiming for awesome

These resources give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of science, technology, engineering and mathematics on a variety of technology used by the Royal Air Force. Resource themes include:

  • Aircraft design
  • Speed records
  • Ejection seats
  • Code...
