Scales of production

A collection of resources for GCSE Design and Technology that support the teaching of how products are produced in different volumes (e.g. batch, bespoke, continuous, mass) and methods of lean manufacture.



Showing 7 result(s)

One-off Production

Students are introduced to 4 different scales of production that they may come across, one-off, batch, mass and continuous through a video clip showing a wide range of products which they need to categorise into a type of production. Details are given on the characteristics of one-off production, and how it can be...

Batch Production

Students begin by considering what items are produced in batches, and why? Details are given on the characteristics of batch production, and how it can be applied to engineered products. Students consider how they could describe batch production and its advantages and disadvantages. Students may begin to research...

Mass Production

Students watch a car production line to demonstrate mass production taking place. Details are given on the characteristics of mass production, and how it can be applied to engineered products. Students consider how they could describe batch production and its advantages and disadvantages. Students may begin to...

Continuous production

Students explore the difference between continuous and mass production, noting that there are many similarities but mass production has a large finite number of products made (which is subject to change) and continuous production whilst not infinite does not have a preplanned production size and is subject the...
