Engineering Careers: Cammell Laird

Here are 5 videos of people who work at Cammell Laird, the shipyard responsible for the building of the RRS Sir David Attenborough.  They range from early career apprentices to those who have worked their way up the ladder to be Principal Engineer.  You can hear about their inspirations, what skills they use in their job and how they can transfer this into their home life.  You can also show your pupils the type of work they get up to on a daily basis and what they get out of their roles.



Showing 5 result(s)

Engineering careers - Naval architect

In this video you hear from Matt Slater who is a Naval Architect.  He talks about what his job entails such as ship design and ship building, along with how team work is important and other skills such as IT fits into his role.


Engineering Careers - Foreman Fitter

Stephen Turpin is a Foreman Fitter who has worked his way up through the ranks to his current role.  Here he talks about how he climbed up the career ladder and why maths, physics and chemistry is important in his role.  He also talks about the importance of ship design and the satisfaction of seeing the ship sail...

Engineering Careers - Apprentice Mechanical Fitter

In this video Dean Scaife talks about the skills he needs as he works as an Apprentice Mechanical Fitter.  He discusses why his job is important in the overall scheme of the ship build and how he can apply the skills he uses in his job to his everyday home life.  He also speaks about properties of metals and other...

Engineering Careers - Mechanical Design Engineer

In this video Sam Creed discusses how playing with Lego in his youth sparked his interest in engineering and how those skills and experiences still apply in his role today.  He also touches upon problem solving and how building 'big robots' can be really satisfying.  



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