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DIY Faraday Challenges
These cross-curricular Science, Design and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activity days from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) encourage the development of students’ problem solving, team working and communication skills. Students achieve a better understanding of what engineering is and the science, maths and technology elements within engineering, leading to increased engagement in science or technology lessons afterwards. The challenges have been specifically designed to give students the opportunity to be creative in their solutions and to succeed, independent of their level of ability. The activities are therefore suitable for a range of different ability levels.
Remote Operations
This Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to work in teams to design and make a prototype device that can be operated remotely to pick up objects and accurately locate them on a given target. Devices such as these are increasingly used in medical engineering...
Flood Defence
Students work in teams to design and make a prototype device that can design and make a prototype of a simple device (to be sold in stores like B&Q) that will allow homeowners to remove water from their house during periods of flooding.
In this challenge the device will have to move 100ml of water from...
Table Tennis Server
Students work in teams to design and make a prototype device that will serve tennis balls consistently across a table tennis table. The server must fit securely on the edge of the table and serve at least four balls accurately and precisely in the same position and allow the ball to be returned. In this...
Emergency Communications
Engineers are vital when a disaster strikes. When there are floods, hurricanes or earthquakes, it is engineers that are needed. As the engineer rescue team, students are challenged to develop an engineering solution to ensure communications between two towns can be maintained. Students must: 1. Design and build...