Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, the resources in this section help students to develop their presentation skills.

Students consider that, in the scientific community, knowledge is presented in situations such as lectures and conferences by oral presentations and posters. The person conveying the message is responsible for ensuring that it is clearly understood by the audience.

This Skill Area introduces students to ways in which they can present their knowledge and make use of visual methods of communication.

There are trainer development materials associated with the delivery of learning activities in this skill area. They can be found at: LSS Skill Area 6 Training.



Showing 9 result(s)

Skill 6.1 Preparing a Short Presentation

This activity, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, aims to help students develop the skill of acquiring information from presentations and demonstrates how good presentations are structured and delivered. Students are challenged to: • identify good and bad practice in the delivery of presentations •...

Skill 6.2 Storyboarding an Issue

in this activity, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, students research a topical, scientific or technological issue. The information is then assimilated into a storyboard approximating to the format of a scientific article. The activity requires students to decide on the best way to summarise and...

Skill 6.3 Presenting a Review Using PhotoStory

This activity, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, looks at the use of slideshow-movies of photographic images as a powerful means for students to create presentations. PhotoStory, or other similar computer software, can quickly create video presentations by linking together digital still images....

Skill 6.4 Preparing a Longer Presentation

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity develops the skills needed to prepare and deliver a formal presentation. During the activity, students will: • select an appropriate topic for a presentation to the class • carry out the necessary research to collect the information needed • develop a...
