In these videos, STEM Ambassadors describe why they took on the role and the benefits both for the students they visit and for themselves. The first video, Auditioning the STEM Ambassadors, was made by students who tested 16 STEM Ambassador finalists of a competition to choose a number who would feature in a series of Teacher's TV films. The other six films feature some of these finalists, Charlotte Bailey: Trainee Plant Analyst, Chris Styles: Applications Engineer, Faye Cashman: Spacecraft Engineer, Graham Gannon: Entrepreneur, Leo Garcia: PhD Student at the Institute of Cancer Research and Sheila Kanani: Planetary Scientist. Each video lasts around 14 minutes.

These videos were created in 2009.

STEM Ambassadors are volunteers of all ages working in a range of STEM-related roles from apprentice engineers to geologists and nuclear physicists to zoologists. Not only do they have a lot of fun, but they get an opportunity to contribute to their local community and boost their skills and confidence. 



Showing 7 result(s)

Graham Gannon: Entrepreneur

Graham Gannon is a snowboarder, outdoor adventurer and entrepreneur. Jobs that he has been involved in include radio, television, designing websites and advising on marketing strategy. In this video, Graham describes how his very varied working life evolved and the benefits and drawbacks of freelance work. As a...

Leo Garcia: PhD Student at the Institute of Cancer Research

This video describes the work of Leo Garcia, a PhD student at the Institute of Cancer Research working in the field of ultrasound elastography. In particular he is researching the use of this method in brain surgery to help guide the surgeon to find tumours and diagnose cancer. In the video, Leo describes how the...

Sheila Kanani: Planetary Scientist

Sheila Kanani is a PhD student in Planetary Science working on using data from the Cassini Spacecraft at the Mullard Space Science laboratory at University College London. In this video, Sheila describes what happens in her workplace where every part of the spacecraft is designed, built and analysed with data...


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