Bacteria are one of the simplest forms of independent life with no nucleus or membrane bound organelles. These animations, from the Wellcome Trust, show that, despite this apparent simplicity, bacterial diseases pose a profound threat to world health. The animations are suitable as a lesson starter, to introduce the topic of bacterial diseases, or as a way of reinforcing learning about a particular disease.



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Syphilis *suitable for home teaching*

From the Wellcome Trust, this animation shows how syphilis, a sexually transmitted bacterial disease (STD), can infect a person's lymph nodes. If this initial infection is not treated, the bacteria can spread to cause damage to the heart, aorta, brain, eyes and bones. In some cases, untreated syphilis can result in...

Tuberculosis - Infection and Transmission

From the Wellcome Trust, this animation shows how the human immune system attempts to contain a tuberculosis infection and how the bacteria are transmitted to new people.

Tuberculosis usually affects the respiratory...