Astronaut Tim Peake attending UK Schools Conference

ESERO-UK, the UK Space Agency and the University of York are organising a Schools Space Conference in March to give students of all ages the opportunity to present their work that links to the space industry and education.

Approximately 100 schools will be able to attend the conference in York, a maximum of 6 students with up to 2 accompanying adults will be invited to attend. Attendance at the conference will be free, with travel bursaries available to help with the cost of getting to the venue.

The conference includes a keynote presentation from Astronaut Tim Peake, along with presentations from the students, an exhibition of student work, as well as the opportunity to meet and talk to experts from the space industry and space education programmes.

The conference will be held on Friday 20 March 2020 at the University of York.

How to Apply

Any individual student of school age (up to and including 18), or groups of students can submit an abstract of no more than 250 words via this form, describing the space-related work they have done. Our team of space experts will review each abstract and request further evidence where necessary.

Once all the applications have been assessed, the successful students will be invited to attend the conference and exhibit their work. There is no limit on the size of the group that submits an application (it could be an individual, a small group, an extracurricular group, a class, a whole school etc.) but if the application is successful, a maximum of six students with up to two accompanying adults will be invited to attend.

Applications will need to be submitted electronically, please bear in mind that the judges will have many entries to look at, and too much information will not benefit your application. Unfortunately, entry documentation will be unable to be returned.

Applications must be received by 13 January 2020 and we will then let successful applicants know week commencing 20 January 2020.

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