Years 3 & 4: Addition and Subtraction
This list consists of visual resources, activities and games designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in Years 3 and 4. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use it covers:
Year 3: adding and subtracting numbers up to 3 digits mentally and using formal methods, estimating answers, using inverse operations to check answers and solving problems.
Year 4: adding and subtracting numbers up to 4 digits using formal methods, estimating answers, using inverse operations to check answers and solving two step addition and subtraction problems.
Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists.
'Wave 3 materials': supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding
These booklets highlight common errors and misconceptions in addition and subtraction children may hold in KS2. E.g. page 23 highlights a possible reason for calculation errors; that a child may not yet be secure in number bonds to 20. An activity is detailed to help develop the child's understanding and help to fill in any gaps in their learning. A great resource for supporting small groups or individuals.
Three resource packs contains work cards including games, activities and calculations based around simple counting, number bonds to ten, addition using money and adding two and three digit numbers. Some activities use base ten to support column addition, others practise addition through games and investigation. They start with simple addition and extend to more difficult tasks.
Six work cards for running activities on subtracting two digit numbers using physical apparatus and using the column method. One card demonstrates how base ten apparatus may be used to aid subtraction of two digit numbers from two digit numbers. This could be extended to subtract two digit numbers from three digit numbers. It also includes games to practise subtraction.
Calculation Activities for Students Aged 7-9
A collection of worksheets which can be used to reinforce calculation skills. They are useful for homework or as a reinforcement of key ideas.
This selection of games may be laminated and used by children to practise calculation with many games on addition and subtraction. Use as a starter, activity with small groups, to extend or support or even for homework. The games practise addition subtraction with 1 or 3 digits.
NRICH: A Daring Dozen
Twelve resources to help children get you thinking mathematically.