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Girls in the physics classroom
This report, published in June 2006, showed that girls were under-represented in physics post-16. In 2006 the Institute of Physics published the results of a review that sought to identify causes of this issue. Following publication of the research findings, the Institute produced a teachers' guide to carrying out action research and two video films that explored ways in which schools could encourage girls to study physics post-16.
The guide supports teachers who want to carry out action research in the classroom:
1. Introduction
2. Action research
- What is action research?
- Why action research and not just action, or just research?
- What does action research involve?
3. Decide on your intervention
- What does educational research tell me?
- What is the situation in my classroom and school?
- Teachers’ top tips 10
4. Planning your action research project
- Writing an action research plan
- Research methods overview
- Qualitative or quantitative?
- Students as researchers
- The golden rule
5. Doing your action research project
- How long should my project last?
- I’m getting little or no interest or support from colleagues
- My intervention doesn’t seem to be working
- What if I end up engaging girls but putting the boys off?
6 .Reflecting on success
- What do I do with my data?
- How do I analyse quantitative data?
- How do I analyse qualitative data?
- Help! I have collected loads of data and I don’t know what to do with them
- How do I know what the data are telling me?
7. Sharing learning
- What’s the best way to communicate my research findings?
- What next?
8. Action research glossary
9. References
10. Action research toolkit
- Self-evaluation checklist
- Physics questionnaire
- Diamond 9 ranking activity
- Action research planning template
- Action research report template
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Girls in physics (full report) 665.82 KB
Girls in physics (summary report) 730.14 KB
Teachers' guide for action 572.74 KB
Girls in physics (questionnaires) 138.66 KB
Action Research Guide 2.71 MB
Consulting Girls (dos and don'ts) 316.8 KB