This collection provides a cross-curricular learning package which supports learning about the work of Dr Edward Jenner on developing a vaccine for Smallpox. All activities are based around a short film, which highlights Jenner’s work from the viewpoint of a child living at the time in which he worked on the vaccine. Activities are:

Strength of Character- write stories or scripts based on the James film.

The great vaccine debate- role-play the Parliamentary debate about vaccination that took place in 1802.

Making movies- Create a final scene for the James film using scientific and historical understanding.

The history detectives- exploring evidence through sources of information.

The speckled monster- Simulation of a smallpox epidemic.

Measles alert! - A science, maths and English roleplay resource where children try to fight a measles epidemic.

This collection has been provided by ASE as part of the ‘Why You’ll Never Catch Smallpox’ resource.


