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What is learning? How does it work? On this online, self-paced course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will learn...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
As a teacher who wants to promote the learning of your pupils, you'll want to make evidence-informed judgements and apply a range of approaches to respond and adapt teaching during and in between lessons.  Experts in assessment for learning, Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam, Dr Chris Harrison and Andrea Mapplebeck...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
“Learners do not always learn what we teach. That is why the most important assessment does not happen at the end of learning, it happens during the learning, when there is still time to do something with what you find out.” - Dylan WiliamThis self-paced online course will help you ask better questions and design...
Duration6 Hours
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Marking has been identified as an area of excessive workload for teachers, but feedback is crucial for students to improve their understanding.On this course, you’ll explore evidence-based approaches for using written and oral feedback to support student learning without increasing your workload. You’ll...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
There are only so many ways a student can look at an onion cell, so how do we engage students with biology practicals? It is essential that students studying biology are given the opportunity to practice and embed understanding of practical skills in preparation for assessment of their learning.In this course, you...
Duration8 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Go beyond ‘recipe following’ and use practical work in physics to support explanation of theory.This course allows you to explore the relationship between theoretical concepts and practical work.  You’ll develop and share creative ways of teaching practical physics with approaches that are...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Go beyond ‘recipe following’ and use practical work in chemistry to support explanation of theory. It is essential that students studying chemistry are given the opportunity to practice and embed understanding of practical skills in preparation for the assessment of their learning. This online course...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Online, self-paced course. Students need to be able to apply their understanding of key biological processes to new contexts, and many students find this difficult. By using plants in your scheme of work, you can give your students additional opportunities to practice this skill.This course will help you in...
Duration9 Hours
FeesFrom £50.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Teaching cybersecurity in schools is an important way to help students stay safe while using technology. On this course, teachers will be introduced to the core ideas of cybersecurity that should be taught in the classroom.You will learn the different attacks that individuals and devices are vulnerable to and how to...
Duration8 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
In this course, Professor Chris Harrison explains that good teaching is not about individual tuition for 30 students in a class. It’s about making use of good diagnostic assessment and then making a decision about what you need to do over the next few lessons to ensure that all students are challenged in their...
Duration8 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of your sight-impaired learners within your science lessons.You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with ADHD in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with dyslexia in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of your dyslexic learners in science lessons. You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with ADHD in scienceSEND: Supporting sight impaired learners in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of your autistic learners in science lessons. By following the principles and trialling the strategies with your own classes, you’ll help your autistic learners with and without a diagnosis.You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting learners with...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
This short online course will support you in meeting the needs of learners with ADHD in science lessons. You may also be interested in:
SEND: Supporting autistic learners in scienceSEND: Supporting learners with dyslexia in scienceSEND: Supporting sight impaired learners in science
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
Take your first steps towards teaching GCSE computer science and establish a foundational knowledge base of concepts, terminology and classroom practice. Find out how the components of computer systems interlink and how these can then be connected together to form a network.Learn about the different components of...
Start date29 May 2024
Duration6 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £220.00
