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Skills for new techniciansSL601

Through a range of intensive hands-on sessions,  you'll explore the necessary basic skills a science technician needs to effectively prepare practical lessons.The course is split into two three-day residential periods. The first part concentrates on core technical skills and includes sessions on health and safety...

Early career teacher conferenceSL079

You will gain a deeper understanding of Generative AI, the opportunities it offers, and the precautions needed to embrace them safely. Find out how AI tools can create content, analyse data, and support student learning and assessment within ethical guidelines.You'll be confident that your work with AI is trustworthy...

Assembly language in A Level computer scienceCP511

Dive into the world of assembly language; this CPD will develop both your theoretical knowledge and practical skills in relation to the use of this fundamental, low-level mode of programming for A Level computer science. During this two-hour course, you’ll learn the essentials of assembly language including...

Boolean logic in A Level computer scienceCP513

Boolean logic is a way of describing the circuits inside a computer, and the same concept can be represented by a logic circuit diagram, a truth table, or a Boolean expression. During this course you’ll learn how to interpret circuit diagrams, write Boolean expressions and explore the laws of Boolean algebra....

Data structures in A Level computer scienceCP512

Almost all programs process data in some form, data therefore needs to be stored in ways that mean it can be easily manipulated by program code. During this CPD you’ll learn how various data structures are used to organise and store data. You’ll learn about static and dynamic data structures; stacks...

Object oriented programming (OOP) in A Level computer scienceCP516

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an approach to systems development that focuses on objects and the way that they interact. The OOP method of programming (or paradigm) is different to the procedural paradigm, which many programmers start with on their learning journey.During this course you will learn about...

Pathfinding algorithms in A Level computer scienceCP514

Pathfinding algorithms are used to find solutions to a given problem, using the shortest path between a set of points. These problems are commonplace, from satellite navigation systems to internet packet routing. During this course you’ll learn how the Dijkstra’s and A* search algorithms function.You...

Systems architecture in A Level computer scienceCP515

Unlock the inner workings of computer systems during this course. Delve into the purpose and function of key system components, gaining insight into how they impact overall performance and functionality. Master the fundamentals of Von Neumann architecture and the fetch-decode-execute cycle. You’ll evaluate the...

Inclusive primary science for pupils with SENDSL043

Teaching pupils with diverse learning needs, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), presents unique challenges. Our collaborative effort with the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) has resulted in a comprehensive two-day course designed specifically for primary teachers.You'll...

Teaching and supporting others with science in lower Key Stage 2SL056

Are you searching for engaging, practical approaches to teaching lower Key Stage 2 science? Look no further!In this jam packed, practical CPD you’ll discover a wealth of impactful and engaging teaching methods tailored to the lower KS2 science curriculum. By implementing these approaches, you’ll not...

Empowering girls in key stage 2 computingCP409

If we want to address the gender gap in computing, we need to start during the primary years. Discover research-backed teaching methods and pedagogies which resonate with girls so that computing can be more equitable and inclusive. This course will explore the current gender balance in computing education and delve...

Secondary science for non-scientistsSL203

This intensive course is for non-scientists starting to deliver key stage 3 and 4 science as either a class teacher or in small group support. You'll learn the key principles needed to teach key stage 3 and 4 biology, chemistry and physics effectively and explore a range of teaching strategies and practical...

Improving mathematics in key stage 3SL451


Teaching post-16 GCSE mathematics resitSL452

We know how vital it is that mathematics at key stage three builds upon the mathematical experience’s students experience at primary school - and this course shows you how!You'll develop techniques to improve problem solving skills and resilience in the context of hard to teach topics encountered in key stage...

Leading primary science - Maintaining impactSL003

This comprehensive course is perfect for primary science subject leaders with three or more years’ experience. If you’re passionate about advancing science education, this is your opportunity to make a lasting impact.We'll empower you to elevate science education in your school through:Cutting Edge...
