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Showing results for "climate change"
Showing 1649 results
This debate kit asks the question: 'Should flying be banned for ten years?', which allows students to consider the social, economic and technical issues around climate change and the effects of human activity. Pupils take on a given role so that they look at the question from a certain point of view. They share...
A selection of activity packs published by the European Space Agency (ESA) on topics related to climate change.
A Catalyst article looking at climate change. In particular the science of phenology, the study of the times each year that certain life-cycle events occur, is examined. It involves recording data on when birds migrate, eggs hatch or when leaves change colour. If the climate is changing, the timing of these events...
This resource consists of five lessons in which students research the effect of climate change on glaciers. The overall learning objectives for the lessons are: * To understand the definition of a glacier * To understand what glacier mass balance means (what inputs mass and what are the outputs) * To understand how...
The Earth’s climate is changing. In fact, it has always been changing. What is different now is the speed of change and the main cause of change – human activities. This issue asks: What are the biggest threats to human health? Who will suffer as the climate changes? What can be done to minimise harm? And how do we...
Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. The Earth's climate is changing ever faster, and human activities play a role in speeding up this change.
The Earth’s climate is changing. In fact, it has always been...
This field study encourages students to investigate the vegetation in a lowland heathland habitat and to use a GPS unit to map habitat fragments. Students could also make management decisions, deciding where to place habitat corridors to help prepare for the possible effects of climate change.
This booklet, from the Microbiology Society, discusses the role microbes could play in tackling global climate change. The resource provides an overview of the effect of greenhouse gases on climate and the role of microbes in the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Carbon-fixation in cyanobacteria and the carbon-releasing...
This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP) and produced in partnership with the Walker Institute for Climate System Research. Climate scientists do not have a ‘climate in a test tube’ to try out their ideas, so to understand the...
Practical Action's climate change teaching resources are suitable for KS2 to KS5. They include activities, posters, complete lessons, homework and extension activities.
This activity sheet is based on the Inventive Podcast. It introduces two engineers involved in the development of hydrogen as a fuel, and links their work to chemistry and physics topic. The activity sheet also supports Careers Benchmark 4: Careers in the curriculum by introducing a career and role model. There...
A number of images from Practical Action showing the effects of climate change and climate change adaptation. The images can be freely used by students and/or incorporated into teaching resources by teachers. The following text describes each of the photographs: *Drought in Kenya means there is little water left...
In this activity pupils are asked to research sources of evidence of climate change from instrumental observations from the 1800s and geological changes over 100,000 years. (This is known as the paleoclimate.) They are then asked to compete a series of questions based on their research.
What do we know about climate change and the effects it will have? |