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From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB...

Published in 2006 by the Scottish Government, this report looks at the progress towards a Curriculum for Excellence. It was designed to present ideas and stimulate discussion between stakeholders in education within Scotland.

The Curriculum for Excellence considers how and what children and young people...

Published in January 1980, this report sets out preliminary views on the form that a framework for the proposed National Curriculum should take and the ground it should cover. The ideas were presented to start a consultation process, leading to a curriculum that would apply to schools nationally and promote...

This ebook aimed at upper primary, will also be of interest and value to older pupils. Using photosynthesis as a link it looks at a range of topics including: the diversity of plants, plant and animal cells, respiration and photosynthesis, climate change, greenhouse effect, and energy conservation.


This resource aimed at primary learners, links to electricity, design and technology and aspects of literacy. Children learn about motors and how many objects use electricity to improve their usefulness. Looking at a variety of objects they compare their features and then take on the role of an entrepreneur and...

This pilot version of the Recommended Code of Governance for Schools was published by the Wellcome Trust in October 2012. It is aimed at providing school governors and senior leaders with a robust yet flexible framework they can use to set the strategic direction for their school, and that governors can use to hold...

This play allows children to explore biodiversity through movement and music in a fun and engaging way.  It looks at how consumer demand drives the growing of a particular type of rice in India and the consequences if a disease or pest affects the growth of rice crops.

Great for use in an assembly or in...

In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

This play looks at how an increase in the demand for meat can affect tropical rainforests far away. It explores some of the consequences for; animals and plants living in these areas, farmers and our planet.  

Great for use in an assembly or in class, when learning about rainforests, healthy eating and...

These activities, aimed at primary children, link to aspects of design and technology and literacy. Children follow recipes to make a variety of food for birds including pine cone lardy seed feeders, suet nut log and edible pictures.

This activity is part of the...

Aimed at primary, this resource provides activities which support aspects of literacy, art and D&T in the context of the identification of birds. Children follow instructions to colour, cut and fold templates to make ‘bird snappers’ for thirteen different birds.

The resource also includes a blank poster...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications...

From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB...

Brilliant Women: Pioneers of Science and Technology

Retelling their triumphs and adversities, Brilliant Women celebrates gifted and talented women who followed their dreams...
