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Linking Careers to the STEM Curriculum is a careers resource aimed at teachers of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics. It offers immediate ideas to try, longer term solutions and resource recommendations for linking careers to lessons.

This guide will help you to:


This book provides a practical insight into problem-solving in the world beyond the classroom, aiming to encourage pupils to develop their own problem-solving skills and in doing so to understand the complexity of finding solutions to industrial problems. 

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

There is a world of opportunities in STEM. Discover STEM heroes who have made a difference in our lives, think critically about how STEM careers are portrayed in films and TV and explore different ways to get into a STEM career.

In this collection of resources, pupils will explore how we can design, make, and use things in new ways to help reduce waste, pollution and depleting natural resources, bringing benefits to both people and planet. They will create imaginative solutions to real-world challenges and share their ideas with others....

This session introduces the 'Future Without Waste' resources. The concept of a circular economy is introduced, along with how this differs from the traditional  'take, make, waste' model. The focus is on how designing with the circular economy in mind can help us all be...

This set of three PowerPoint presentations is the second session in the future without waste series and focuses on Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s three core principles...

This set of subject criteria were produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in 2006 for Awarding Bodies to produce AS and A level science subject specifications, in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, geology, electronics and environmental science.

AS and A level subject criteria are...

Each resource in this collection has been linked to the National Curriculum and is centred around flight, electricity, recycling and sustainable energy.

Produced by ARKive, this series of activities teaches students about endangered species through the creation of an interactive museum.

The ARKive School Museum presentation looks at examples of endangered species and explains the concept of an ARKive School Museum. Students then research an endangered...

Students often find it difficult to understand the related concepts of acceleration and speed. Making use of the BBC micro:bit on-board accelerometer, this playful activity allows students to get an intuitive understanding through hands-on activity.

The simple game requires that students maintain...

Aimed at primary level, this activity pack contains a range of different activities based on the theme of ‘accidental discoveries’. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, circuits, the heart and microorganisms. They introduce scientists and the accidental discoveries...

Published by the Wellcome Trust in October 201, this report looks at how one-year postgraduate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses in England and Wales support trainees’ acquisition of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy across the sciences.

The study, which was the first of its kind to look...

Published by LSIS, these booklets summarise the STEM action research projects carried out by 16-19 institutions across the UK. They include a brief summary of the research and findings on topics such as: using electronic notebooks, electronic learning, peer review, computer-based assessment, kinaesthetic techniques...
