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This session introduces the 'Future Without Waste' resources. The concept of a circular economy is introduced, along with how this differs from the traditional  'take, make, waste' model. The focus is on how designing with the circular economy in mind can help us all be...

This set of three PowerPoint presentations is the second session in the future without waste series and focuses on Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s three core principles...

Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) has provided a free online learning platform for schools which includes curriculum linked activities, developed to support secondary school students. These activities provide the opportunity for students to join a growing community of citizen scientists who are...

Learners discover the BIFoR FACE (Birmingham Institute for forest research free air carbon enrichment) experiment and the infrastructure associated with it. They are introduced to the arrays, met masts and flux tower and encouraged to think about the research questions that this experiment can answer. Learners are...

This resource highights the impact of human activity on glaciers and sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic using four different student activities:

  1. Students explain the reason, using their knowledge of global warming, for 4 changes seen in changes and forecasts for the Polar regions.
  2. Students...

There are two parts to the DIY Dendrometer resources: 

Part A focusses on how trees grow and their role within both the carbon cycle and the water cycle. Learners are encouraged to take part in a citizen science project which involves creating and installing a DIY...

This set of resources are based on Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BiFoR) work. The activities provide an innovative way to introduce the issues surrounding the estimation of biomass. For pupils aged between 11 and 14 there are engaging activities to introduce the concept of biomass and pyramids of biomass...

In this Future of Flight challenge pupils explore what we mean by climate change and what greenhouse gases are. They match the molecule diagrams to their descriptions and investigate rising temperature by setting up mini greenhouses. They also explore the lifecycle of an...

This resource provides a set of videos of a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences, presented by Professor Brian Cox and Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock. In this video, Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock joins a teacher to demonstrate a...

In this activity pupils will undertake a controlled experiment to investigate how gases in the atmosphere affect the heat in an enclosed environment, by tracking the change in temperature of a glass jar containing carbon dioxide against a control jar. They will learn about the greenhouse effect and the role of...

This activity highlights...

This activity, created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors with the help of a teacher, has been designed to make pupils realise how much water they are wasting. Pupils will carry out an investigation where they...

In this resource students are asked to extract data from a fact sheet on the impact of global warming on the Polar regions and present it in the form of an annotated spider diagram.

This activity, created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors with the help of a teacher, provides the opportunity for pupils to learn about the water cycle. Pupils are introduced to the water cycle by asking them to...
