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This resource, produced by ARKive, is designed to teach Key Stage Two children about the strategies animals adopt to survive winter in temperate zones and about the adaptations exhibited by animals in the polar regions. Children compare these strategies and identify similarities and differences in the ways animals...

This resource provides a selection of lesson plans, worksheets and teachers notes relating to Living Things and their Habitats at Year Five. They include activities in which children learn about the life cycles of flowering and non-flowering plants. They also look at...

Produced by the Charles Darwin Trust, these materials will help children to observe and understand their natural environment. In doing so, they will develop their skills of observation, communication and interpretation.

The activities help children to:
* Recognise how Darwin looked at the natural...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) resource from the SYCD: Science Year Primary collection provides a template for a successful bridging topic between primary and secondary schools.

Passport can also be used as a stand alone activity in Year Six to help students focus on their investigative skills...


In this activity pupils will be able to discuss various ways of simulating gravity in space and the importance for maintaining a healthy body for the return to Earth. Working in teams of four, pupils should choose their favourite exercise or sport and adapt it for space. They should identify the forces required for...

This teaching package, aimed at Key Stages Two and Three, investigates the science of tree rings (dendrochronology). Linked to the topics of plants and living things and their habitats, it looks at cut tree trunks to determine the age of the tree, how fast it grew and...