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From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode shows that charge carriers in good conductors usually move very slowly. It illustrates the derivation and use of the equation I = nAvq.

A range of activities include:
• viewing the movement of permanganate ions in an electric field

This activity from the Institute of Physics discusses energy transfer in electric circuits and links this, by analogy, to other more familiar examples.

The activities include:
• demonstrations of human and lemon-powered batteries to illustrate that that there is nothing special about the chemical...

This series of activities, from the Institute of Physics, help student to understand electrical resistance. What is resistance, how it can be measured, how it arises and what affects it? During the topic, resistance is related to current, voltage, type of material, temperature and light intensity. The electrical...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode provides a quantitative definition for resistance (R = V / I) which reinforces the qualitative notion that more resistance means less current. It looks at Ohm’s law, describing that this is not the same thing as the definition of resistance.


Produced by the Institute of Physics, in this practical investigation students measure the current and voltage characteristics for several components and identify ohmic and non-ohmic behaviour. Students determine the V-I characteristics for: • a carbon resistor • semiconductor diode • a filament lamp In addition,...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students derive the equation relating electromotive force (emf), terminal potential difference, current and internal resistance. They then tackle questions about the internal resistance of a power supply.


This demonstration or student practical activity, from the Institute of Physics, helps students learn to use an oscilloscope to measure voltages. It helps students to understand the use of a cathode ray oscilloscope by showing:
• how the oscilloscope plots a graph...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode helps students to distinguish alternating from direct currents before revising why alternating current (ac) is so important.

The range of activities include...

In this learning episode from the Institute of Physics, students are introduced to capacitors. Through practical investigations, students look at their charge and discharge process.

The activities include:

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, helps students understand how capacitors charge and the concept of capacitance. Students investigate the relationship between charge and potential difference across a capacitor.


In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students derive formulae for capacitors in series and parallel to reinforce their understanding of circuits involving capacitors.

The activities in this...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode looks at the energy stored in a capacitor. Students undertake a practical investigation to look at the energy stored and how this varies with potential difference and capacitance.


In this learning episode from the Institute of Physics, students investigate and characterise the exponential discharge of a capacitor.

Activities include:
• looking at exponential discharge

This learning episode from the Institute of Physics, uses discussion and experimental work to help students investigate the application of moments beyond the simple 'see-saw' model.

Activities lead to an application of moments to general equilibrium situations.

Students look at:
* moments and...

From the Institute of Physics, this episode introduces (or revises) the equations of motion. During a practical task, students undertake direct measurements to ensure that they understand the basic physics of velocity, distance and time.

Activities help students to understand:
• scalars and vectors,...
