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Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. Addiction is a term we all use, but what does it mean? Explore some of the ways people understand addiction.

Find out about the science behind addictions. Two lesson plans are also included. The Deadliest Drugs...

From the National Non-Food Crops Centre, this factsheet looks at the issues that surround using land for the growth of biofuel crops rather than food crops. Growing biomass for the energy market could reduce dependence on finite petrochemicals, potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enrich rural businesses...

In this Catalyst article, Laura Plant describes the time she spent in the Amazon rainforest in northern Peru on a project researching the impacts of forestry on the plants and animals that live there.

In tropical regions, large areas of rainforests have been untouched for centuries. This means that many rare...

This resource from the Citizen Science project is designed to support Key Stage Three students in debating the social, political and health issues surrounding alcohol consumption.The social and biological effects of alcohol form an important topic for young people to discuss. The marketing of alcohol, underage...

Interactive resources from the ABPI for students aged 14-16. Topics include: Diabetes, Hormones and Their Effects and Skin Structure and Function.

From the ABPI these are interactive resources for students aged 16-19. Topics include: Diabetes, Hormones and Their Effects, and Skin Structure and Function.

Interactive resources for students aged 5-7 from the ABPI. 

Interactive resources from ABPI for students aged 7-11. 

This opinion piece was written by an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded researcher to provoke debate and discussion about the issue of ageing. The piece was written for the Debating Matters competition, which the ESRC sponsors, and discusses vital questions about whether extending the human lifespan...


The Young Scientist Investigates topic book on Air gives information, illustrated by full colour photographs and drawings, about the composition of the air, its importance to living things and its properties. It is intended for children aged 8-11 to read and then to...

Air pollutants arise from natural processes and human activities. In this SATIS Revisited resource, students investigate air pollution, how it is monitored and some effects on human health. Air pollutants arise from a wide variety of sources, although they are mainly a result of the combustion process. It is easy...

This resource consists of two field work activities. The first records lichens on trees as an indicator of air quality and the second looks for tar spot fungus on sycamore leaves. This links to curriculum work on plants, habitats, air quality and improving the environment. This resource includes a workbook, field...

Adults drink more frequently than adolescents, but when adolescents drink they tend to drink larger quantities. There is evidence to suggest that the adolescent brain responds to alcohol differently from the adult brain. Scientists at the University of Oxford are...

