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CREST awards aim to encourage primary and secondary school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels.

These case studies describe how a range of schools have used...

Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of...

CREST Awards help school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels. The resources in this section contain a series of project ideas that can be used to gain CREST Awards....

Crest Silver Awards stretch students and enrich their studies. They require around 30 hours of project work and are typically completed by 14-to-16-year olds. Your students will develop their own project idea and will gain experience of going through the scientific process. 

You will need to register...

CREST Star Challenges is a UK-wide award scheme, run by the British Science Association that enables children to solve scientific problems through practical investigation. The activities focus on thinking about, talking about, and doing science. They are designed to be...

The 46 activities in this pack are a selection from the Crest Superstar Challenges. They are great to use in a science club, for science week or even with whole classes as part of the curriculum. They each contain a story to introduce a science topic topic and provide a context for investigation. Children can then...

In this activity, students make an indicator using red cabbage and test the pH of household products. The resource provides some background information on colour pigments and nutritional information about red cabbage. A sample results table is provided with questions for students to answer.

In this activity students will learn about what is meant by mains electricity and how it is transported to our...

This worksheet explores Ohm’s law. It provides students with an overview of the relationship between pressure, force and area. It also provides a brief explanation of how to calculate a factor of safety.

The questions have worked examples, examiners top tips and answers to each question. The resource is ...

This poster shows how STEM industries offer many exciting career opportunities. It features five electronics and engineering specialists working in the telecommunications industry. They develop a range of technology such as Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi.


A Catalyst article investigating if mobile phones produce harmful radiation. The short article compares the view points of a concerned parent, protester, scientist, official report and a complacent citizen.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1.


These resources are to support teams entering the UK CanSat Competition or European CanSat Competition.  Details of how to enter the competition can be found through for the UK competition, and ...

This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at how carbon capture and storage works, why it's here to stay, the effect of floodplains on water pollution, and how the thickness of polar ice can be measured from space. The venue for this Planet Earth...

A set of STEMNET case studies profiling the careers of a selection of STEM Ambassadors. The case studies illustrate the ways different jobs require an understanding of science and also the routes into a range of careers. The case studies cover a wide area of work including:

  • Research Engineer
  • ...
