Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of study.

You will need to register your students through the Crest Award website:  



Showing 26 result(s)

Gold Award: Future Travel

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to space exploration:

* Communications project - students gather information about space exploration before making a presentation on the problems to be overcome with past and possible future benefits of space travel

* Practical project -...

Gold Award: Squeaky Clean

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the environmental impact of domestic cleaning products:

* Communications project - students gather information to explain how cleaning products can be harmful to the environment and recommend good practice that will help protect the environment...

Gold Award: Triathlon

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the sports equipment a triathlete may use:

* Communications project - students act as members of a research team that develops prosthetic limbs and running shoes. Funding for this work is required. Students devise an approach to suitable...

Gold award: compare the properties of different fabrics

In this project, students compare the properties of a range of fabrics made from different fibres. The fabrics could be woven or knitted and they could be made from natural fibres such as cotton and wool or synthetic fibres such as nylon. Students should investigate physical properties, such as strength,  tear...
