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These resources consist of a presentation and activity sheets to support design and technology students aged 14-16. It helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of sustainable development and the use of precious resources. The 6 R's are:

  • Rethink: what could be done differently?
  • Refuse...

This resource aimed at primary learners, links to electricity, design and technology and aspects of literacy. Children learn about motors and how many objects use electricity to improve their usefulness. Looking at a variety of objects they compare their features and then take on the role of an entrepreneur and...

The engineers behind the Watt Nightclub in Rotterdam turn the energy created by clubbers on the dance-floor into power for the lighting. There is even a giant battery to monitor the energy and encourage the crowd to dance even more.


In this resource from the IET, pupils make use of the theme, the future of flight, to create a presentation for the board of an airline company suggesting how they could re-use aircraft, or parts of aircraft, being retired from their fleet. They will research the different parts of an aircraft and existing products...

This extension activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), follows on from the How Much Waste?...


In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.


This resource looks at how biomimicry enables engineers to take ideas from the natural world to develop new products and designs. The specific example of gecko tape is used to illustrate this. Students play a game of pairs where they need to match technology with the animal or plant which inspired its development....

The Bionic Boy resources take inspiration from the Born to Engineer video from Ben Ryan, who is working to develop low-cost 3D-printed prosthetic limbs for young children and babies. Through discussion and practical activity, this resource supports students to increase their understanding of engineering through...

This resource, from Siemens UK, looks at the use of wind farms to provide sustainable energy for a range of communities in a variety of settings. The selection of a New Zealand context is significant as Maori communities see themselves as being responsible for effective stewardship of the land for future...

This video shows Angelo Grubisic, an aerospace engineer who combines his love of wingsuit BASE jumping with his engineering knowledge to develop the world's most scientifically engineered wingsuit.


This resource focusses on exploring shape, nets, wheels and axles. This activity uses pupil’s prior knowledge of nets to make a base for a vehicle. It then introduces the use of axles and wheels to enable the car to move. It could be used at key stage 1 to develop understanding of the use of axles and wheels in...

In this activity students design and model a robot arm in 2D, need to be able to name the main parts of a robot arm and to be able to design and make a 2D card model of a 3D product. Robot arms are an example of a programmable system. They are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, ranging from loading...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), focuses on the design of a tessellated product and preparation for manufacture. The resource is designed to allow students to:
• be able to analyse a design brief
• be able to generate...
