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This resource focusses on the use of multiplication and division in the context of scaling an item to either double or half its size. Referencing the importance of scale to the field of engineering, especially in the design of large structures such as bridges and buildings, this resources cleverly demonstrates how...

This is one of a series of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems, exploring the theme of waterways.

In this activity pupils will learn what is meant by density and will conduct an experiment to find out if modelling clay...


This resource pack introduces the concepts of shelter and shelter deprivation around the world to students in Key Stage Two. It highlights the challenges people face in their daily lives when their homes do not provide adequate shelter. It linked to the curriculum areas of design and technology, geography and PSHE...

Linked to this series of resources on designing and making a car, this activity evaluates the performance of the vehicle previously manufactured by the pupils. It involves recording the time taken by each vehicle to go down a slope. This can be converted into the speed of the vehicle. It could be used at key stage...