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The 'big ideas' section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on big ideas. It introduces students to designing as an approach to problem solving and to designing for the real world and real problems. In particular, students are encouraged to consider different users and their needs, along with ergonomics and human-...

The ‘development’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on creating and testing a prototype for an outcome that meets their fix partner’s needs. Students build critical skills through evaluation and they practice design decision making that balances design ideas against user needs. Activities include a focus on...

The ‘discovery’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on developing skills and confidence relating to design thinking. It works well as a starter for an in-depth design lesson. Structured activities help students to view their surroundings with fresh eyes and think outside the box. Ideation techniques are...

From Practical Action, these materials help students to look at Fair Trade and sustainable development. It poses the question: Is there any way in which the London Olympics in 2012 and future Olympics can contribute to making the world a fairer, more sustainable place?

The ‘getting started’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses finding a 'fix partner' and identifying a design problem they experience. Structured activities are provided for developing interview skills, along with an activity considering the needs of someone with limited dexterity or mobility.

Global project ideas are based around Practical Action’s work, which uses science and technology to address global issues such as energy, water and food. They give students a real insight into how science and technology can be used to tackle challenges faced by communities in the developing world, and how they can...

This Concept Cartoon on food was produced by Millgate House Education and Practical Action. This cartoon help students explore environmental issues around growing and importing food.

Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue, provoke discussion and stimulate thinking....

A range of resources from the Nuffield Foundation for students to develop and reveal their capability longer more open tasks requiring designing, making and evaluating are necessary. Sometimes these activities are referred to as projects, or design and making...

Nuffield Design and Technology has developed a specific type of learning activity called a resource task. These short, practical activities are designed to teach capabilities in an engaging way.

*Strategy resource...

This resource gets students to look at how a product could be redesigned to require less packaging. Companies are being encouraged to develop ‘environmentally-smart’ retail packaging design. In this activity, students are challenged to redesign a familiar product so that it has less (and more sustainable) packaging...

The ‘production’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on producing a  high-quality working prototype that meets the problem described in the original design brief. Activities that support this section include: ‘hack a toothbrush’, starting points for innovative ideas, and making paper bowls. These activities...

This activity is designed to be delivered by a STEM Ambassador who works as a quality professional.

Quality professionals are an essential part of every business in every sector around the globe, from electronics to engineering; roads to retail; finance to food. They do a huge amount to help make businesses...

In this activity, from Practical Action, students are challenged to design and make a good quality textiles product from some throwaway textiles collected from home or bought from a charity shop. Further resources are available from the Practical Action’s Sustainable Design and Technology database.

This resource designed by the IET is one of a series of resources designed to allow learners to use the theme of sport and the men’s football World Cup to develop their knowledge and skills in design and technology and engineering.

The resource could be used as a one-off main lesson activity to build...

Produced by the Nuffield Foundation these resources offer four options of self-review sheets for students to use as they complete capability and resource tasks. *Reviewing your work in a capability task: Two A4 sheets that can be copied, backed, to form an A5 leaflet for students to complete at key points as they...
