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This resource from the Department for Education provides some useful tips on how to organise a successful STEM careers day: from contacting your local STEM broker and organising exciting activities to involving sixth formers and STEM local employers.

In this STEMNET activity case study, design engineer and STEM Ambassador David Bennett describes how valuable he believes STEMNET activities are for schools.

David devotes about two days per month to STEMNET activities. He helps with careers events, advising students on what employers are looking for, how to...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Graduate Engineer Andrew Keen describes a 'real life' project that he designed for sixth formers which involved developing an engine component. The Fuel Systems Team of his company was so impressed with the project that it is now working on a prototype component.


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Lee Betts, an avionics technician with the RAF. Lee describes how new recruits undertake basic training, work in a front-line squadron and then undertake further specialists training.

Lee's role involves fixing the radar, flight...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), students investigate a use of electronic systems to improve health care.

They study a case where a Body Centric Antenna (BCA) increases the...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at how the boomerang works from design and scientific principles. Students explore how aerodynamic forces affect the flight of objects, relate the design features of the boomerang to its path...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematics converts digital data into useful information for business, the government and the public. Computers and networks stuffed with ever-increasing amounts of data are transforming our society, creating a digital world with its own rules and behaviours. We...

In this activity, learners will compare journey times for different modes of transport and will calculate the time to travel specified distances. It allows learners to apply their maths skills in a practical application.

Materials include an introductory presentation, activity sheet and handout.


These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

This cross curricular activity includes science content from Year Four of the primary curriculum. It introduces programming and control, linked to the outside world through sensors - in this case, the computer's built-in microphone or a peripheral microphone. Programs are written using Scratch (online or offline)...

This resource provided by Siemens, aimed at primary learners, looks at how science, technology and engineering has shaped the way we live. It is divided into four activities which link to aspects of the technology, science and mathematics curriculum.

  • The power of steam - The first part...

This Royal Academy of Engineering resource teaches students coding through a series of physical computing and practical activities that explore the essential role engineers have in supporting the emergency services and search and rescue missions.

Combining plugged activities, using a Crumble Controller, and...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Vicki Hodges, an Attitude and Orbit Control Systems engineer working on a project to develop an unmanned spacecraft.

Having joined the Astrium graduate scheme, Vicki has moved around the company and gained experience in a variety of...

EDT is a charity that offers a comprehensive portfolio of activities designed to promote STEM courses and careers to specific target groups of students, including females and ethnic minorities. This leaflet describes some of their courses and provides contact details for further information.

In this STEMNET resource, maths teacher Ed Dyke describes a STEM project undertaken by his school in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, called Rocket Day. The project was funded by the York and North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership (NYBEP). Also involved was STEM Ambassador Clive Bell, who has worked for the...
