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This digest evaluates a project which aimed to increase young people’s involvement in STEM careers. The Ingenious project successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect change in the interest students display in STEM careers and increase their likelihood of taking up such careers...

This digest of the InGenious project has been produced for industry and employers.  It describes how InGenious has successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect change in the interest students display in STEM careers and increase their likelihood of taking up such careers when they...

This digest of the InGenious project has been produced for policymakers, and looks at how classroom teaching can be improved to enhance students’ learning of STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers.


This report looks at how classroom teaching be improved to enhance students’ learning of STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers. The report draws out key points of interest for senior leaders.

The Ingenious project successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect...

This report looks at developing classroom teaching to enhance students’ learning of the STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers.

Teachers and employers taking part in the Ingenious Project prepared, either jointly, or separately, 35 classroom activities whose purpose was to place learning within...

This review of STEM careers, led by John Holman, was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation in February 2010. The review covered provision of STEM careers education, information, advice and guidance in England. The report focused on secondary and further education, but recommended the need to commence careers...

This case study describes how Ringwood School promotes STEM subjects and careers to girls through its weekly science club.

The club is run by newly and recently qualified teachers with the support of some chemistry A level students and one of the school technicians.

Students rotate through biology,...

This publication from the Department for Education addresses the issue of equality and diversity in the STEM workforce which is not yet truly representative. It examines the number of ethnic minority students studying STEM subjects and undertaking STEM-related careers.

The publication looks at approaches...

This publication from the Department for Education publication explores the issue of a significant gender imbalance in the STEM workforce, barriers to choosing STEM subjects and gender disparity. A list of suggestions to make STEM careers advice more women - friendly is also provided.

Produced for the Department for Education, this document outlines four levels of school engagement with STEM careers as a basis for planning the development and implementation of the STEM Subject Choice and Careers project.

This set of four profiles of UK industries give an overview of each one and is designed for students to gain an insight into careers available to people who have studied STEM subjects. The industries featured are the nuclear power, pharmaceutical, renewable energy and maritime industry.

Each profile includes...

This document from the Department for Education refers to the provision of information, advice and guidance (IAG) for young people. IAG covers a range of activities and interventions that help young people to become more self-reliant and better able to manage their personal and career development, including...

These documents from the Department for Education provide tools to support the development of young students' knowledge and understanding of their personal skills and capabilities.

*Personal Capabilities Framework
This chart presents three domains for personal capability - thinking, self-belief and...

From the Department for Education, this resource is an accessible summary of good practice when delivering careers information and guidance. It will be useful for tutors, subject teachers, and careers advisers involved in STEM and other subject areas.

This pack from the Department for Education was developed for careers education and information, advice and guidance (IAG) practitioners to support their work in engaging tutors, subject teachers, personal and careers advisers in the business of STEM careers awareness.

The resources are designed to boost the...
