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From the Charles Darwin Trust, these materials help students to consider the concept of how species are sustainable and how changes in the environment can lead to extinctions.

The activities look at how human activities have impacted on the Galapagos Islands since Darwin's visit. This includes effects on...

Module 5 of the STEM Projects Toolkit explains the steps that can be taken between students carrying out projects in their own classes and presenting a project at a STEM competition or fair. Although this can be a daunting prospect, it can give students a positive experience of presenting themselves and their work...

This 'Six for Six' module from Siemens examines transport systems and how essential they are  to modern life using real-world examples of Siemens technology, engineering or manufacturing principles as a basis for learning. The teacher notes below...

Module 6 of the STEM Projects Toolkit gives information on the many opportunities that students can take to present their projects in STEM competitions and fairs. The resource describes the practical steps to be taken to make a project ready for a competition or fair, including describing what the judges would be...

The key idea with these activities is to get students thinking about efficient ways of doing things. This starts off with simple examples such as getting ready to come out of the house in the morning and then extends to more complex contexts such as...

This 'Six for Six' module from Siemens gets students thinking about efficient ways of doing things whether that be in the home or in a factory manufacturing cars.   The teacher notes below offers an overview of the resources/activities which are...

This interactive program deals with the modulus function applied to linear, quadratic, reciprocal and sine functions. The graph of each function is shown as well as the unreflected sections of the graphs.

The first...

Produced by Practical Action, Moja island is a 1-2 hour activity which will reinforce students' understanding of renewable energy sources. Students consider the variety of different options available to communities living on Moja Island and select the most appropriate technology. Renewable energy fact cards, a map...

This simulation explores the factors which determine the concentration of a solution. It illustrates the relationships between moles, litres and molarity by adjusting the amount of solute and solution volume.

The moles of solute and the volume of solution (water) can be changed using sliders to make...

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry represents the manufacturers of most of the medicines and vaccines supplied to the National Health Service, in the UK. As part of their programme to encourage the study of science in schools, in 1995, the ABPI produced a book for post-16 students, on the...

In this video Helen describes how she became a trainee molecular geneticist at Addenbrookes hospital. The video could be used to introduce a lesson on  cystic fibrosis, genes, genetic testing, pre-implantation genetic testing, recessive and dominant genes, genetic disorders or genetic screening.


This simulation allows students to explore molecule shapes by building molecules in 3D and seeing how the molecule's shape changes as atoms are added.

It can be used to demonstrate that:

*The molecule shape is due to repulsions between atoms.

*The bonds are not fixed in place, but can rotate...

A Catalyst article looking at how modern archaeology uses analytical chemical techniques to answer questions about ancient civilisations and animals. Scientists working at the University of Bristol match compounds present in archaeological materials to those in modern plants and animals which were likely to have...

This simulation can be used to explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere.

Sample learning objectives include:

*Explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere

*Identify that absorption of light depends on the molecule and the type of light

*Relate the...

This resource includes a suite of games designed to promote thinking, learning and understanding as well as being enjoyable and engaging. They are all based around molecules that play key roles in life on Earth.

In the ...
