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This challenging video takes a philosophical approach to discussing what information is. It begins by equating information to entropy. Entropy is explained as the degree of order or alternatively randomness that exists. Examples of ordered information are the arrangement of molecules in DNA, letters in words and...

This video considers peoples’ understanding of gravity and through these ideas shows that it is a force of attraction between masses.  Some of the detail is covered in other Veritasium videos.


This video explains the term spin.  It introduces the idea of a magnetic dipole in electrons and shows how, in an external magnetic field, electron spins can be aligned or opposed (different quantum states).

However, when considering just two electrons coupled together the possible quantum positions becomes...

This is a video that asks young adults their opinion of nuclear power being used in Australia.  90% of Australia’s power derives from coal and gas. There are no nuclear power stations.

The comments from audience could be used to initiate similar discussions for the UK.


This video uses two oppositely charged metal plates to demonstrate that a candle flame contains ions. Positive ions are attracted to the negative plate, while negative ions the positive plate. Even when the candle is extinguished, the smoke is attracted to both plates and so must also contain ions.


The video asks students to predict when a bungee jumper experiences maximum acceleration.  The answer is at the very bottom of the jump.  This is often counter-intuitive as the velocity at this point is almost zero. 

However, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, a = Δv/Δt...


Produced by Rolls-Royce, this entertaining video clip takes the form of an animated rap which describes a range of career opportunities open to students with skills in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). It makes a good...



A basketball and a 5kg medicine ball are dropped simultaneously. Which one hits the ground first? It seems obvious that the heavy one should accelerate at a greater rate and therefore land first because the force pulling it down is greater. But this is forgetting inertia - the tendency of mass to resist changes in...

In this activity, alcohol and air are mixed in a large plastic water bottle before being ignited, to simulate the physics principles of...

