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This More Maths Grads resource, from the Maths Careers website, investigates the maths used in transport and is based on the travelling salesman problem.

Students are given a table containing information on the cost of air travel between nine different cities and asked to plan a route that visits each...

The purpose of bin packing is to pack a collection of objects into containers called bins. The bins are all the same size and the objects to be packed are different sizes. The aim is to pack the objects into the bins using the fewest possible bins. In this example students are asked to save computer files onto a CD...

This Core Maths resource includes data from which students can calculate correlation coefficients. The resources includes a card sort that matches up scatter-graphs, data tables and product moment correlation coefficients. 

The teachers' notes give detailed teaching suggestions on how to introduce and...

This resource introduces the formulae for the surface areas of cylinders, cones and spheres. Students are asked to use these to...

This Core Maths resource contains teachers' notes, lesson plan and student handouts that explore budgeting and foreign exchange. The two topics can be combined into one large project or taught as two discrete tasks. 

There is a Powerpoint presentation of the tasks for classroom use, including possible...

In this activity, students create colour images from satellite data. This allows them to study how different surfaces reflect different wavelengths of light, how coloured images are created using an RGB model, and how band combinations can be chosen to examine a particular landscape effectively.

This lesson develops the concept of finding areas of sectors. In particular students will:

  • Find perimeters, areas, and arc lengths of sectors using formulas
  • Find the relationships between arc lengths, and areas of sectors after scaling
  • Using radians

The initial challenge...

In this Core Maths resource students are asked to apply their knowledge of upper and lower bounds when designing a car park for a department store. 

The teacher's notes suggest possible extensions, such as comparing with a real car park or finding possible profit if their design...

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides students with the opportunity to explore the formation of a parabola through a paper folding activity. Students follow a set of simple instructions which describe how to fold a piece of A4 paper and are asked to describe what shape is produced. The activity is...

Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path for a given problem. Dijkstra's algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between two cities. This algorithm is so powerful that it not only finds the shortest path from a chosen source to a given destination, it also finds all of the shortest paths from the...

This activity requires students to calculate net income after tax and national insurance have been deducted. Students then are asked to discuss if the progressive taxation system is fair. Answers to each of the calculations are available.

The presentation shows how income tax and national insurance rates are...

This lesson develops concepts relating to radicals. In particular, students will enhance their understanding of:

  • Use the properties of exponents, including rational exponents and manipulate algebraic statements involving radicals.
  • Discriminate between equations and identities.
    In this...

The network flow problem involves finding the optimum route through a flow network; a directed graph where each arc has a capacity and each arc receives a flow. Typical examples include: evacuation plans and delivery services. The problem involves students analysing the plan of a school canteen and deciding whether...

This task involves investigating various aspects of interest and depreciation, including compound interest and the effects of calculating  compound interest over different periods of time (e.g. monthly vs. weekly). The task requires...
