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Budgeting and foreign exchange
This Core Maths resource contains teachers' notes, lesson plan and student handouts that explore budgeting and foreign exchange. The two topics can be combined into one large project or taught as two discrete tasks.
There is a Powerpoint presentation of the tasks for classroom use, including possible extension activities.
Budgeting requires students to plan a holiday or activity and prepare a detailed budget using Excel. The teachers' notes contain ideas for initial class discussion and what costs the chosen budget should include e.g. insurance. At least one of the chosen activities must be expressed in a foreign currency. Students need to research their chosen holiday, find the costs and make a presentation of their budget to the group.
Foreign exchange encourages students to investigate different rates of exchange of currencies. Student materials show a variety of different expenses for a round the world tour with the costs in local currencies. Students need to find a correct currency rate and convert each cost into GBP.
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Budgeting lesson plan (teachers' notes) 535.51 KB
Exchange rates (activity sheet) 5.88 MB