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In this activity students examine the Olympic 100m winning times from 1928 to 2012. Both men's and women's times show an improvement. The challenge is how to show that there is an improving trend and to show which times show the most improvement. Scatter graphs,...

This resource from Ofsted accompanies the survey report Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults, published in April 2011, and summarises the characteristics of good practice in adult numeracy tutors under the following headings...

Published by LSIS, this guide is intended for learning providers who want to help care workers develop better mathematics skills at work. The guide is divided into two parts. Part 1 identifies the mathematics that care workers use at work, offers an overview of the adult social care sector, considers attitudes to...

This aim of this resource is to help teachers to support students to acquire the skills required to analyse data and interpret trustworthy information from data. They are designed to be flexible and adaptable with the data providing the stimulation for interrogation and...

This Core Maths activity explores how the production of a doll's house can be organised by using a Gantt chart. The objective of the activity is for students to produce a Gantt chart for a project of their own choice. No specific prior knowledge of Gantt charts is needed,...

Discover the history of the Core Maths qualifications, the reasons behind the qualification and the benefits to students studying it. The documents below include details of the UCAS points awarded to the qualification and information on the awarding organisations.

The resources also include details of how...

This More Maths Grads resource, from the Maths Careers website, investigates the maths used in transport and is based on the travelling salesman problem.

Students are given a table containing information on the cost of air travel between nine different cities and asked to plan a route that visits each...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can a camera, mounted on a helicopter, be used to track the location of a ground-based object? A number of discussion ideas are considered before using 2D and 3D...

The first of four RISP activities, Exploring Pascal's Triangle...

In this resource, from the DfES Standards Unit, students learn to define a sequence using the
general form of the nth term, define a sequence inductively, recognise and define an arithmetic and a geometric progression and to reflect on and discuss these processes. Students should have some understanding of...

This resource from the Nuffield Foundation allows students to investigate relationships between anthropometric variables and write a report on their findings, which may include the use of scatter diagrams, lines of best fit, regression lines, and correlation coefficients. The spreadsheet contains anthropometric...

The project involved members of staff from the STEM subjects at the Kingswinford School working collaboratively to plan and deliver sessions to a group of Year Nine students. These sessions were held after school for an hour each week during the summer and autumn terms...

This Core Maths resource assesses students’ understanding of statistical ideas including data classification, sampling techniques and the calculation and interpretation of the mean and inter-quartile range. The given data allows...

This Core Maths resource assesses students’ understanding of the statistical ideas data classification, sampling and bias, stem and leaf diagrams, histograms, cumulative frequency graphs, averages and inter-quartile range.

There are teachers' notes and a separate mark scheme....

This activity combines the learning of mathematics with reflection about attitudes to work. Students receive a set of cards, each card having a number on one side and a letter on the other. The teacher chooses appropriate numbers and letters to fit with the ability level of the students and the area of study....
