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Image result for Basic principles and practice of microprocessors d e heffer



This text presents a straightforward discussion of the way in which basic techniques in computing may be applied to the...

This Beginner's Guide provides an easily readable introduction to the many aspects of technical illustration - including orthographic projection, 3-dimensional objects, perspective, and freehand drawing and sketching.

In this report, ACME considers the quality of initial teacher education and gives advice on how to ensure that trainees leave Initial Teacher Education (ITE) effectively equipped to begin their teaching careers in mathematics classrooms throughout England.

The report seeks to address a number of key...

Students work out which are the best buys for items sold in different-sized packs at different prices.

This resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

In this resource students are asked to play the role of a local theatre manager, tasked with finding the best way to organise the audience to minimise the amount of space they take up. To solve the problem students must apply a series of first fit algorithms.

The resource includes a teacher presentation,...

This unit looks at biofuels and how these relate to the climate crisis, fossil fuels and the food industry and whether they are the future of fuels.

In this unit students consider the relationship between the growing of crops for food or for fuel and conduct independent research to write a policy brief on...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

In this biochemistry-based activity students consider why many industrial chemical reactions are being catalysed by enzymes. They find out about an important coenzyme, NADH and act in role as industrial chemists by evaluating the different ways of recycling it.


This unit introduces students to the different types of biometrics and how they can be used to identify an individual. It highlights how data derived from the measurement of individuals' biological characteristics can be used positively, but also how the collection, control, use and potential misuse of biometric...

These career profiles provide information on the wide range of people involved in the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (...

Image result for Blue planet 2 dvd



Our understanding of ocean life has changed dramatically in the last decade, with new species, new behaviors, and new habitats being discovered at a rapid rate. ...

This Core Maths task involves substituting values into the BMI formula in order to make health decisions.

An introductory ...
