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This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of first fit algorthims.

In this activity students have to allocate a number of different jobs to different employees within certain constraints. As part of the task students are introduced to first...

This Operational Research (OR) Society resource  invites students to analyse processes and efficiencies through a series of group challenges.

In the first activity students are asked to produce as many cups as possible by folding paper. Students are also asked to calculate the mean, variance and standard...

This builds on from GCSE work on resistance to investigate the resistivity of a series of metals in the form of wires.  This is common and simple investigation where students can look at developing their measuring skills, especially with calculating the area of the wires.

Impulsive, socially anxious, uncompromising - these are some of the characteristics you may recognise in the teenagers you know. Scientists at the University of Oxford are researching into changes that take place in the teenage brain that may explain this change in...

Machine learning is a process where machines or rather, computer code running on machines, is created that allows the code to develop its own methods to categorise information based on data that we feed into it.  Scientists at the University of Oxford are working on...

This document contains a number of activities for students to carry out. They develop an instruction set for a fictional processor which forms a thought-provoking introduction to this topic. Encourage them to think about basic mathematical operations and how data values need to be manipulated within the CPU. This...

This resource contains a synopsis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth assessment on wildfires written in language suitable for A level students, so can be used as an exercise in reading comprehension and note taking. It looks at natural and anthropogenic causes of wildfires, their benefits and...

Dr Laura Hobbs is a research scientist at the University of Strathclyde and the Scottish Association for Marine Science. She uses data from instruments, called echosounders, that use sound waves to monitor the depth and abundance of zooplankton in the Arctic Ocean. Studying copepods, her research has shown that...
