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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Getting the right answers in maths is only half the problem. Understanding why what you’re doing works is the part that often stumps students and teachers alike. Does maths feels like a collection of random rules and steps that somehow lead you to an answer? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Ask yourself: why do we...


Numbers are all around us but why are they important? This book finds out what numbers are, from how we count them, to what are prime and base numbers and takes you up to the really big ones -...

The cre8ate maths project was a CPD initiative for Yorkshire and Humberside teachers of mathematics. It features resources applying maths to key areas of the economy focusing on functional mathematics skills for Key Stage Three students. The project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and the...

stats4schools is managed by the independent Office for National Statistics, and includes data from across government.

stats4schools is about helping teachers and students to get more from statistics. There are datasets which can be download and included in own their projects. This collection contains lessons...
