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Published in May 2016, this paper by David Barlex identifies the following key points:

1. The differences between STEM subjects are legitimate and need to be respected

2. By teaching in the light of STEM …  Learning in the STEM subjects can enhance one another. This requires planning but...

This lesson introduces students to the effects of climate change on glaciers. The resource sheet gives information what a glacier is, how they are formed and what the different types are. A card sort game is included, asking students to match terms to explanations, separate glacial inputs and outputs and place in...

This resource explores the factors which affect the location of glaciers through a series of activities. In pairs students identify 5 countries which they think have permanent ice from a given list and justify their choices. They then mark on a world map where they think glaciers are located, indicating size and...

This resource contains a series of lessons which are designed to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of plastics and plastic waste on a global scale. Linking to materials and their properties, the environment, recycling and design and technology, they contain investigations and activities aimed at both...

In this Nuffield ...

In this Nuffield Foundation activity students carry out an investigation into some sporting techniques to establish whether practice improves performance. They conduct research into the rationale for training schedules for different sports. Students then investigate target games to explore whether scoring systems...

In this Nuffield Foundation activity students use secondary data to investigate how changes in technology have led to improved performance in cycling. They research footwear to see how materials of different properties can be combined for specific purposes and carry out a practical investigation to define the...


In this Nuffield Foundation activity students use the learning skills they have acquired in earlier pods to invent a new game of their own. They need to design and test equipment as well as establish effective rules and a fair scoring system. Groups then present and explain their new game at a sports fair where it...


This resource from Practical Action includes a presentation and worksheets which give Key Stage Three and Four students opportunities to understand more about the impact of existing and new products on people and the environment. The presentation is packed with useful activities to reinforce students' learning. The...

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology, meaning that it is significantly changing the way that people, businesses, and industry interact. To put it in context, the invention of the wheel, electricity, TV, and GPS are all disruptive technologies that changed the way in which society worked.


This Barefoot Computing resource builds on the ‘Maths quiz with selection’ learning activities which should be undertaken first.

It involves improving an existing Scratch maths quiz and adding score-keeping using...
