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This collection from SMILE contains resources with a variety of activities for students from Key Stages Two to Four.

They cover mathematical reasoning to develop thinking skills, using spreadsheets, whole school projects and transition from Key Stage Two to Three.

A collection of STEMNET case studies which profile activities completed by STEM Ambassadors. The activity case studies accompany a set of career case studies which describe the roles of the STEM Ambassadors who lead the activities. STEM Ambassadors are volunteers of all ages working in a range of STEM-related roles...

In this STEMNET activity case study, design engineer and STEM Ambassador David Bennett describes how valuable he believes STEMNET activities are for schools.

David devotes about two days per month to STEMNET activities. He helps with careers events, advising students on what employers are looking for, how to...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Graduate Engineer Andrew Keen describes a 'real life' project that he designed for sixth formers which involved developing an engine component. The Fuel Systems Team of his company was so impressed with the project that it is now working on a prototype component.


This STEMNET Activity case study describes how Transportation Planner Dan Cornelius developed projects for a school to demonstrate maths in the workplace. In his traffic assignment exercise, children investigated traffic flow, identified potential problems and came up with solutions within a budget.


Add-ons are part of the T5 (‘Targeting level 5’) pack. There are twelve Add-ons, each covering one of the major areas of mathematics drawn from the level 4–6 Key Stage Three National Curriculum test papers, with a particular emphasis on those areas crucial for achieving level 5.

Each Add-on includes four to...

This interactive excel file deals with column addition of integers, money and decimals. The first interactive sheet shows pairs of numbers to be added and students can click beneath the columns to check each stage of their working. The next sheet shows the addition of...

This activity is based upon addition and subtraction of integers, requiring students to find patterns and relationships, develop formulae and prove results.

The resource consists of printable worksheets, teachers' notes and solutions.

The activity can be extended by the use of algebra to explain...

This resource features a selection of questions requiring students to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.

The questions are split into three sections: must, should and could. Students are directed to complete the first question in each row. Students then decide whether they are confident enough to...

This lesson develops the concept of adding and subtracting directed numbers. The activities address common misconceptions about the addition and subtraction of directed numbers. Students explain their reasoning using diagrams.

The activities use the ‘charge’ model of directed numbers. For example, a diagram...

A number line is used in this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, to illustrate how to solve a calculation involving negative numbers. To help correct misconceptions regarding these, the term taking away is used to represent minus and giving back for plus. Thus -8 +6...

This SMILE resource contains three packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of addition, ranging from simple number bonds to dealing with decimals in context.

Addition pack one contains fifteen work cards with activities on...

A case study from Mathematics Matters which looks at how mathematics is applied in the animation industry. The computer animation industry relies on a steady stream of mathematics to produce the fantastic images found on our cinema and television screens. Advanced mathematics also fuels developments in other areas...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students explore the basic principles of aerodynamics by looking at familiar products that have been designed with speed in mind and identifying features common to these products....

This More Maths Grads resource, from the Maths Careers website, investigates the maths used in transport and is based on the travelling salesman problem.

Students are given a table containing information on the cost of air travel between nine different cities and asked to plan a route that visits each...
