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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This resource uses the context of fencing to make a simple electric circuit. Students make an epee sword out of a smarties tube and incorporate a buzzer that should sound when the button on the end of the smarties tube is pressed. Students are encouraged investigate how they could change the volume of the buzzer or...

A Mathematics Matters case study looking at how mathematical software supports new developments in imaging technology. Mathematical image processing techniques make it possible for us to capture, transmit and store photographs and video. They also let us restore noisy or damaged images and extract useful...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology, students work in groups to investigate how Piezoelectric materials can be used in a variety of different ways. For the development element of the project, students propose an innovative application...

This activity focuses on promoting a product to a particular target user group. Teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurial skills are required to design, brand and market a new Nintendo Wii product.

In this activity,...

Reference sheets from the Nuffield Foundation to help you plan use of the Designing at Key Stage Three resources. For example, map links between tasks, check time required for activities and their level of difficulty.

The planning sheets are:

*Capability task summary table:
Lists all the...


This book is part of the Archive Collection which is available to view at the National STEM Learning Centre.

Produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in 2009, this guidance supports the planning, development and implementation of the curriculum for students with learning difficulties. It draws on effective practice across a range of schools and can be used in...

The growth of plants in space is a keen area of experimentation, including ongoing work aboard the International Space Station. Successful crops will help astronauts to spend longer in space, boosting their healthy diet while reducing the mass of prepared food that must be transported from Earth.

Using a...

In this topic, from the Association for Science Education, students learn about the many products obtained from local plants. The topic is designed to allow classes in schools across the world to exchange information about the ways in which their lives depend on plants. The topic also provides opportunities for...

This resource contains a series of lessons which are designed to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of plastics and plastic waste on a global scale. Linking to materials and their properties, the environment, recycling and design and technology, they contain investigations and activities aimed at both...

Alexandra Park School developed a Structures project. A STEM Ambassador who was a structural engineer visited at the end of the unit to review their project, tell the students about Structural Engineering as a career, and to give them a deeper understanding of resonance – an important consideration when designing...

This worksheet challenges students to plot a variety of graphs using data set within a design and technology context. It provides worked examples, examiners top tips and answers to each question. The resource is useful for teaching maths content in design and technology, or as a maths activity sheet.

In this Nuffield ...
