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These materials are designed to teach students aged 11 to 14 about the variety of habitats worldwide and the diversity of species found in each habitat. The activity also highlights topics including interdependence, adaptation and how species evolve specialised features. Working in groups, students are allocated a...

This ARKive activity is designed to teach key stage three students about the concept of adaptation. Using the marine environment as an example, students learn about how different animal species are adapted physically or behaviourally to survive in a particular type of habitat. Students research an allocated habitat...

Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science (ATLAS) was a curriculum development project organised by the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University. This resource, for Key Stages Three and Four, was created to illustrate the range of teaching...

Students often find it difficult to understand the related concepts of acceleration and speed. Making use of the BBC micro:bit on-board accelerometer, this playful activity allows students to get an intuitive understanding through hands-on activity.

The simple game requires that students maintain...

Produced in 2002, this document from the Key Stage Three National Strategy focuses on how the principles of the National Strategy apply to the teaching and learning of science for students for whom English is an additional language (known as ‘pupils learning EAL’)....

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of a hospital Family Liaison Officer. They carry out research around cells, tissues and organs and then explain a patient's injuries using this knowledge. The activity can help to broaden students' ideas about careers in medicine.

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation recently launched Good Practical Science, a new report outlining ten benchmarks for secondary schools to transform practical science education in England.

All Saints...

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating the use of metals to kill germs in the treatment of wounds.

'Silver Pants' is a humorous take on a modern application of ancient technology - using metals to kill germs. Smith & Nephew have developed a posh...

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the skeletal and muscular systems of the body, such as the mechanics of how the body moves, using London’ s sporting and active life as a stimulus.They will learn about the levels and types of exercise that support good health and how that varies from person...

Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science (ATLAS) was a curriculum development project organised by the Centre for Science Education in the Higher Education Institution that is now called Sheffield Hallam University.


Activities and Experiences was the central publication of the Science Teacher Education Project, provided by the Nuffield Foundation. It was compiled to provide a bank of ideas to use in courses of professional development. This publication consisted of a loose-leaf pack with pages featuring:

* Introductory...

In this activity from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), students investigate the role of natural selection in evolution by considering the extent to which the winged fruits from a tree are adapted for successful dispersal.

This practical approach to studying natural selection and competition...

Produced by ARKive, this creative activity is designed to teach students aged 11-14 years about the theory of adaptation. It does this by looking specifically at animals' adaptations for movement through different types of habitats. Students learn the definition of adaptation and why animals need adaptations to...

In this ARKive resource, students learn about how different animals and plants are adapted to surviving in arid habitats. Working in groups, students design and carry out an experiment aimed at testing the effectiveness of different adaptations in reducing water loss. Using a worksheet as guidance, students also...

This activity, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, is set in the context of choosing a birthday gift. It encourages students to think about carbon footprints. Which goods and services cause the biggest carbon dioxide emissions? What choices can we make to minimise emissions? 
