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ATLAS Resources (for Key Stages Three and Four)
Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science (ATLAS) was a curriculum development project organised by the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University. This resource, for Key Stages Three and Four, was created to illustrate the range of teaching and learning approaches that could be adopted for each of the four Attainment Targets in the English National Curriculum at the time of publication. Sample grids were included to help teachers match student performance in the activity to the descriptors for attainment levels that applied at that time.
Attainment Target 1: Scientific investigation
* Investigating photosynthesis
* The resistance of constantan wire
* Lava flows!
* Helicopters
* What do animals do in winter?
Attainment Target 2: Life and living processes
* Fertilizers
* How a nephron works
* The circulation game
* What's for lunch?
* Photosynthesis
Attainment Target 3: Materials and their properties
* Elementary
* Plate tectonics
* Cheetham's lawn sand
* Acids and alkalis game
* It's reactionary
Attainment Target 4: Physical processes
* D.I.Y. barometer
* Energy
* I don't like Mondays
* Planets and stars
* A chat with Aristotle and Newton
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